
Disposable coffee cup with fire engine in background

Another day in the life of a
resilience professional

I live in the East Midlands (UK), where I work in resilience exercising for a Category 1 responder. My day job involves testing and exercising for assorted flavours of emergency and major incident. This means liaising with partner agencies on tabletop and live exercises which might be for extreme weather one week, and a cyber attack the next. 

Prior to this I was an emergency planning officer for a local authority, where I gained experience in major incident response. Other career experience includes marketing and event organising for different sectors (publishing, higher education, cultural), and parliamentary office experience.

My own introduction to gaming came from receiving a Warhammer 40,000* boxed set one Christmas from my grandfather, and I've not looked back since then. 

Because of this love of creating games, coupled with my day job, I have been described as "50% doomsday prepper & 50% doomsday designer."

* 2nd edition if you really wanted to know